Wednesday, June 07, 2006

At 2:53am

This moment wt u wanna be wanna do.... I jus wanna be a rite man , do my rite

As a student , I wanna get distinction,
As a basketball player , I wanna be michael jordan allen iverson,
As a son , I wanna give my parents better life
May be I hvn't got that talent u got , I m not that nice as u thk ,
but I got sth , u hvn't got

Here comes a book to share with U thats explain why.......get it or peep it!!!

Becoz of ,
I got my believe , my crew , my doggys , my girl ,my parents.
I learn trust and obey to my lord,
I earn trust and friendship with my crew,
I keepin' got understand of my dogs,
I hv a girl so nice so pretty so understand me......hhaha
I hv both responsible parents.
I kno I m not FIGHT ALONE ....
ZOO FAM and ME 'll spin that shit.....


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