Saturday, July 15, 2006

Peak shit

Today still work , but I ve met my bros and sis at KWT before it,
just a short time sperate , but seems stranged . . . may be we need a ice break...yep!
I ve also schooled and took my result , Not bad .....45mins memory is the way!!!
then gonna work , but I ve been there early , so I had a look on Madame Tussauds...

I found that Bruce Li figure ... spirit for kung fu fightin' in china and hk
There a little joke , if u can kickin' like Bruce , yr kickin' touch 2m , u can get a discount for view the Tussauds. A Nuts try to kick ass like Bruce , however he just kick ass himself..oh mine , wt a hurt .........hahahha.

After that , I reli get back to work , but unluckily It ve to cut some of us off coz of the Big wind and outside was closed .... Bros , so sorry to heard that , but u guys can enjoy yr din together.
Tonite , a bit early off coz no ppl 'll din under this. I ve surprise by Thai chef , becoz he prepared a hanlian chick for me tonite , so nice and yummy ... U should kno if not him , I just hvin' shit to eat tonite...
Times to sleep , Now already 4am , show u thumb abt above before it. Enjoy!!!!
Outside!? --- CLOSED

Hanlian chick ....yummy

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