Saturday, September 30, 2006


I hv no school coz no school.....Suuuuu
I did some games with my boys... but jus few times.......... We did a great job in HW
taking some u can't imagine....

my homie - Wanda celebrate her 2x wif me
Happy birthday... enjoy da dinner wif me? haha
As I work on peak , I did choose yr birthday dinner hving on peak....
Lem tell ya , Panna , seasa , ribs eye , double espresso , those I hope to share with u...
I did mine for u by heart...

Here the vol.2 of my doggie story
I did scold to my dog , m I ? U rily thk is scold by blog?
this blog is use for share ......not actually for scoldin' dogs.
My puppy , U still not so sure for yr flaut , everythings not cause by tht TOM or anyelse
IS U , u back and ask me for fd and stop to call u dog , becoz I did yr ex- master/ yr best fd???
Are u clear mind to thk u hvn't got any flaut not by yr heart?
Did u ? Wt hv u said abt I got new job with others , but not u? Remember !?
Only scold , or jus fuck me directly ? U sounds like girl to argue her bf , pussy .
U kno abt me .... I hate lies and betray , I never did tht to u . But u ??? Can u answer me too and by real real heart ? I did kno u hv girl , but u also hv fds . Wanna fuck me ?
I also got my girl...... relationship of fd hv to treasure not betray.
Hv u eever thk u make every decision also affect others?
may be u thk I m not the rite one to hv this spoke to anyone , but jus u.
I rily care abt our relation with u so I still no reply for yr greet.
I respect u did everything for yr lover , yr sweeties.
But I FUCK u did wt u did on me.... I m" yr man "? Wt a Stupid Motherfucker!!!!?


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