Sunday, December 31, 2006



I knew u when I was F.1 ... Active , smart , nice guy... I still remember the day we were playin' ball together at saturday in school , the day we 2 with mak tse lok , the day we hv been trip to U.K. ....
All deep in my heart, bro.... We talk abt gals , sports , sneakers... most funny tht " Repeating" together ... we match like TV. But today u leave alone........
Bro , I m so regret can't meet u once more .. I miss the day we are playing b-ball together , u are only partner with me , coz Im not tht gd players like others.
DO u remember we ride bike together with them under red signal? We got peer together during riding...We fight in the changin' room , I still can feel u are kickin' me...huh!! Every section of beening with u also highlighted now... becoz tht was happy , I was enjoy of tht...

Man , WE all miss u much..u are my bro forever

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