Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Day by Day

Day by Day , everyday waitin' for gd chance , gd position .........
seems all not easy gonna be success ....
But I promise , Zoo wuddup .....this summer 'll show some out, I trust "Dream Big , Work Hard"
I hv many plans on Zoo , so everybody wait to see.
My man - J.Y.D , I m expectin' our cru on the AM1 .... LET'S MAKE SOME SHIT
u dogs ain't get that faith , huh !?

Tonite I had watch on this , check it out !

Story start at a kid - Jerrard , he love street ball but he isn't play good . His father was the legend of the streetball and his son also but he only concern on his job ,never hv a game with jerrard . One day , Jerrard got a new sneaker , the tongue of it marked " MJ " , he seems can do wt MJ do .....everythin' begin at this moment....
Remember " Dream big , work hard ! " by Jerrard father.

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