Thursday, June 22, 2006


Everyone should be score , Goal at least once in their life.
Sometime Big , sometimes small , But u still enjoy , no matter u hv pay so much and get huge burden.
I hvn't get my big score or goal , but luckily , I got many little goals .
I got a dream but restrict by many . The movie GOAL! shows me , dreams are not restrict by any .
If u hv clear yr sight , wide it ......everythin's gotta wuddup

Goal! some comment for that
Two hours with a lot of emotions and what happens in real life. The word FAMILY is so important in everybody life, sometimes parents does not show their loves to their kids and that creates frustration on them. What happened if his grandmother did not help Santiago? He still being an illegal in L.A. without a dream. But she made it possible. Santiago made it possible too, because he believes and has faith on himself, fighting for what he wants, but at the same time suffer a lot because he did not feel his father support, his asthma, but he makes his dream come true. If we talk about rolls: Kuno Becker one more time doing an amazing job. It did not surprise me because every roll he had, shows the potential he always had and how great actor he is. You do not need a famous actors to do a great movie. Everybody has a dream and this movie encourage everyone of us that everything in life can be possible if you have a GOAL!!!!

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