Thursday, August 31, 2006


As me , no complex .. jus simple.......
Simply life....with simply style...but complex community..
I m learnin' to enjoy ........ enjoy work days .....fam days .... fd days
these days I ve tried workin' 2 jobs.... one simply and base
one abit complex of relationship but well pay , But I would still thx god for hvin' these 2 jobs
The simply one ... doing things base and hard.. a colleague of tht I ve hard memories..
He won a drink cost $11 when he was durin' lunch at Maxim's
He was Extremelly hapi wif tht.... this prove me use other angle /way of my attitude
I notice tht he was enjoy his simply life...

Simple rily NOTICE me for my dream ..
My man J.Y.D got the same concept wif me , we rily wanna and gonna did some shit.
Zoo Fam ...... not yet comes , but sure comin' .. Simple thing to unsimple is our style
we will show u - Z.O.O.

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